Friday, May 15, 2009

Exam Review

1)What is a bibliography?

A bibliography is a list of the sources you use to help you write your research paper or essay.The reason you must create a bibliography is to give credit to the authors of the research materials you use to help you write your paper and to prove that your paper is not plagiarized.

Example of listing books by a single author:

Author’s Last name, First name, Title of Book, City of publication: Publisher, ©year

©year=copyright year

2) What is a reference?

REFERENCE: Giving proper credit to the author of the book, article,etc from which you QUOTED information.

Dewey Decimal System

3) Dewey Classification

Art .................................700
Religions ...........................200
Animals .............................500
Travelling in other countries......900
Folk tales...........................300
Short stories and plays............800
Government ........................300

4)How the Dewey Decimal system is used.

The Dewey Decimal System is used to organise resources in most school libraries. Each subject is given a number and the books and other items are arranged on the shelves in number order, according to their topic.

5) Answer each of the following questions in a complete sentence.

1) How did Dewey help to pay for his education?
He worked as a student assistant in a college library to help pay for his education

2) How many subject areas are included in the Dewey Decimal Classification system?

There are ten (10) subject areas included in the Dewey Decimal Classification system.

3) How old was Mr. Dewey when he created this classification system?

Mr. Dewey was 21 years old when he created this classification system.

4) Where and when was Mr. Dewey born?

Mr. Dewey was born in New York USA on December 10th 1851

5) What system did libraries use before the development of the Dewey Decimal System?

Before the development of Mr. Dewey's system each library had its own way of organising items and only the librarian knew where everything was located.

5b)The benefits of Mr. Dewey's system.

With Mr. Dewey's system, everyone is able to find books in the library.

7) In which year did Dewey become the librarian of Columbia University in New York City?

In 1883, Dewey became the librarian of Columbia University in New York City.

8) When did Dewey establish the first library school?

Mr Dewey founded the first ever library school at the university on January 1, 1887

9) How many subject areas of classification are there in the Dewey Decimal System?

There are 10 main subject areas in the Dewey Decimal Classification system.

10) What ailment did Mr. Dewey suffer from?

Mr. Dewey suffered a stroke.

11) Did he survive this ailment?

No, Mr. Dewey did not survive his ailment.

12) When and where did Mr. Dewey die?

Mr Dewey died in Florida, USA, on December 26, 1931.

The National Archives of the Bahamas

1) How was the Departmnetn of Archives established?

The Department of Archives was established by an Act of Parilaiment in 1971.

2) Who is the legal head of the Bahamas National Archives?

The Chief Justice is the legal head of the Bahamas National Archives.

3) Who is the administrative head of the the Bahamas National Archives?

The Ministry of Education is the adminstrative head of the Department of Archives.

4) Who is responsible for the daily management and control of the Department of Archives?

Daily management and control of the Department is performed by the Director of Archives.

5) What type of information does the Department of Archives accept on permanent depsoit? >

The Department of Archives accepts on permanent deposit records of enduring value which have been created in the course of the conduct of affairs of any kind, public or private.

6) Where did most records on deposit originiate?

Most records on deposit originated in the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the Government of The Bahamas.

7) What other types of records does the Department of Archives hold?

The Department of Archives also holds deposits of private archives including family, business and ecclesiastical records.

8) Who does the Department of Archives serve?

1) Firstly, the Department of archives serves the government

2) Secondly, the Department of Archives serves the public

9) How does the Department of Archives service the government?

The Department of Archives services the government by preserving and making available records which are essential for the effective administration of public business.

10) How does the Bahamas Archives receive inquiries?

The Department of Archives receives inquiries by mail and telephone.

11) How do most researchers get their information?

Most researchers visit the Archives and undertake their own research to get their information.

References for Movies and Videos

1) How do you list a reference for a movie?

Reference for a film begins with the title, and includes the director, distributor and year of release. Other relevant information (e.g. performers and producer) may also be included:

e.g. It's a Wonderful Life. Dir. Frank Capra. Perf. James Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore, and Thomas Mitchell. RKO, 1946.

Dir. = Director

Perf. = Performer

RKO = Radio-Keith-Orpheum. An American film production and distribution company

Research at The Archives

1) Where is the department of Archives located?

The Department of Archives is located on Mackey Street at the rear of the Eastern Public Library building.

2)How does one gain entrance to the Department of Archives?

Entrance to the premises can be gained via Mackey Street. Parking is available to the east and rear of the building.

3) Who gains access to the Research Room?

Access to the Research Room is only permitted to researchers possessing official "Researcher" Identification Cards.

4)Where does one obtain an official "Researcher" Identification Card?

These cards may be obtained from the Security and Information desk in the foyer of the Department of Archives.

5) What must happen to the "Researcher" Identification Card upon completion of research?

It must be returned to the Security and Information desk upon completion of research.

6) List the finding aids describing the records that have been prepared and are in the Research room to assist researchers

The finding aids that have been prepared to assist researchers are:

a)The Guide to the Records of the Bahamas and its supplement
b)lists of individual deposits
c)detailed descriptive lists
d)subject guides
e)catalogues of reference books
f)indexes to newspapers.

7)Are finding aids available online?

Finding aids are not yet available on-line.

Exhibitions and Publications

1) When did the Department of archives start mounting annual (yearly) exhibitions?

The Department of Archives has been mounting exhibitions annually since 1973.

2) What is the main purpose of these exhibitions?

The main purpose of these exhibitions is the education of the Bahamian populace (population/people) in the area of history and culture.

3) What do exhibitions of archival materials show?

Exhibitions of archival materials show what an archives collects, preserves and makes available to researchers.

4)What kind of printing unit was purchased through a grant from the Organization of American States?

A Risograph GR-3750 Digital Duplicator was purchased through a grant from the Organization of American States.

5) What does this equipment allow the Department of Archives to print?

This equipment allows the Department of Archives to print booklets from facsimiles, manuscripts, historical reports and Archives exhibitions.

6)Once the booklets are printed, who receives them and why?

Once the booklets are printed, They are given to students in New Providence as well as the Family Islands where they do not have access to the information necessary to complete their projects in the two national exams.

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